We loaded up Thursday night and went to pull out of the driveway but...... uh oh... dead battery. Not such a good start so far. But after a quick charge, mike surprised us with some warm meaty chili and that got things back on track. After what seemed to be a quick drive, before we knew it, we were pulling into the Aquarius motel parking lot. It was almost as if Bryce and Jerome were watching through the peep hole because when they saw us pull in, they ran outside to greet us like it was Christmas morning... which is beginning to happen more and more when our fans see a SLAM Outdoors vehicle and/or staff coming by the way. That spurred a quick football game right there in the parking lot with Mike Vick.
Here is our annual gun pic. We actually had less guns per person this year if you can believe that.
Then, After a good night's rest, we were up and at it nice and early after a coyote.
We had the PERFECT spot that morning. We walked up a draw then popped up on top of a ridge. Most of us could see the other side where we thought a coyote would come from while Matt ran the call and watched the back side. Nick and Mike could see both sides. After a few min of calling, I heard a shot behind me, I jumped up just to see Nick shoot again. Apparently, Matt had seen 2 coyotes coming in the whole way but he had a shotgun. Mike could see them but couldn't move to get a shot so he handed his rifle to Nick for the shot and he drew blood!!!
Unfortunately, it was his own...... yep, he got bit by the scope as the coyotes ran free. Too bad Nick.
Next, we headed to the rocks, a favorite spot of my Dad's for a little rabbit hunting.
After hunting the rocks and a quick lunch that Jerome really enjoyed, (for the record, that was good turkey), we headed to another little honey spot of mine for rabbits and we SLAYED EM' It was Awesome! Within the first 100 or so yards from the car, we had already shot 5 or 6. We saw SO many and it was non stop shooting. It was a fun time had by all (well, almost...)
SLAM Outdoors is proud of it's impressive fleet of top notch vehicles that are able to get us and others in to the places we want to hunt.
Check out these stunning views of some pretty good lookin' men with guns.... oh ya, and the quaint little all-American town of Loa complete with red church steeple and the Fish Lake mountain in the background.
Then, that night, we went in for some "world's best pizza" (so they claim - it is pretty good though, especially after a day of walking and hiking) and billiards. This is always one of my favorite parts of the trip because Chillz is in Torrey and it tends to get a little more liberal the closer you get to the entrance to Capitol Reef National Park. It never fails, there is always a prius or subaru parked outside. The look on the people's face when they see several camouflage clad dudes packin' heat come inside. Next year we have got to visit. When we walked out this year, some chick drinking an imported beer was scared to death. And I never thought the 3 ladies at the other table were ever gonna be able to pick their jaws up off of the floor. PRICELESS!! That night, my bro-in-law brought his family down to the aquarius as well and we met up with them. And... of course threw Mick Vick around in the parking lot a bit that night.
The next morning, we headed out to make another coyote stand. We called one in WAY out there but the gig was up before he got close enough.

Me and Nick

Jerome is Comfy and actually ended up blending in with the snow patches with those gloves and that hood. Well Done Jerome!

We made it a quick morning because hey, we had better things to be doing. Yep, Saturday morning is always time for breakfast at the Sunglow!

Then, Mike decided to help out a little bit around the restaurant while we were waiting for our food. And as Kristi put it when she saw the pic, "classic go go gadget". The ladies were very appreciative of his height.

(You can just hear that guy on the left saying "excuse me, ma'am... do you have some jelly or marmalade"...... can't you?)
We then checked out, loaded up and headed to the range. Also one of my favorite parts of the trip and although I shot horribly, it was still fun as ever and we didn't even need to kick anybody out this year.
(I have a hand full of videos I tried to upload but they wouldn't work. Be sure to check back soon to see them!)
Range Time!!
Mike on the AR
Then at the end, as always, we met under the canopy to finish off the treats, especially the Kippered Snacks!! Jerome warmed us up with a little barrel fire while I put on a stellar pistol shooting display. And, just for the record, shotgun shells don't really do anything when thrown into a fire.
Aren't these pics gorgeous??
After the Range, we went to the Ranch. The boys played a little pig skin while the Vice Pres. and I whetted a line in the Fremont. But unfortunately, no luck this year.
Finally, we left Loa (it was a little sad knowing that we had waited all year to come back and it was now over). We headed for the Juab County Fairgrounds for the Youth Coyote dinner and auction.
We didn't do so well on our pictures at the dinner this year. Mostly cause we were all a little disappointed that we ended up with a $17 bowl of chili/soup, a roll, brownie and a water. (and if you were lucky, you saw the little juice packets to pour into your water) They ran out of door prizes and we watched the guy who sponsors the whole thing win the grand prize (an AR-15) Also, Bronzen was a shew-in for the spirit of the hunt award but came up empty. He DID however Win ANOTHER Gun! This year a Marlin Bolt Action .22. He has now won something 3 out of the 4 years! It was Noah's Birthday on that very day and the Nield family ended up with a BB Gun. Jules came down with the twins and Noah. What a good Sport!! We should have gotten a pic of them. My sister and Brother-in-law and their family hunted with us in Loa and also went to the dinner but walked away pretty disappointed as well. Maybe next year. (if we go anymore that is) Personally, I would rather stay at the range in Loa a little longer or make another walk up the Land Fill road. In Fact.... because I shot so horribly, I am just itchin' to get back over there and just might have a vacation day or two still to burn this year so if anybody is interested in making a 2 day 1 night little jaunt over let me know.
OK..... It's awards time:
Funny Guy award: Tie between Mike and Matt (as voted on by the rest of us)
They each kept us entertained with their witty and timely funny comments right up until the end. I know because I was in the car with them until 12:30 a.m. after a disappointing coyote dinner.
Mike also came away with the Unforgettable Moment Award! (sorry.. no pic will be posted)
Responsible Award: Quinn
The Rock Award: Jerome (his mood never changed. He was a delight the entire trip and seemed to just be happy to be there) I would also give the best dressed award to Mike.
Dead Eye Dick Award: Bryce - he was hittin' everything! Plus... His wife made cinnamon rolls that he brought with him
the I Haven't Seen a Butt this Entire Trip Award: Bronzen
Best All Around: Nick - I mean... what more can you say about the Vice President? (and the Scope Bit award and we should probably mention that Dr. Nield made due with the first aid options he had available and patched himself up)
And Finally, to all of our readers, your comments are always appreciated! We are in the process of rewarding those who follow us.
Until next year boys!
p.s. The Spring Lake Powell Fishing Trip is a mere 5 months away!!
Great lengthy post! I laughed so hard snot came out my nose at the stellar pistol shooting display comment!!
ReplyDeleteClassic Loa Trip just like the ones I remember.
ReplyDeleteWish I had taken more pics.
Really miss hanging out with the boys.
I was really hoping for some real fireworks with those shotgun shells.(I was telling Brig about the trip he wants to go again!)
Good times; .............. Good Times.
After carefully reviewing the post and reflecting on the trip I am ready to comment. It was AWESOME! Really it couldn't have been better, sure it would have been nice to get that yote, but hey it was still super exciting. Loved hanging out with the guys from Slam Outdoors they sure know how to have a good time. Rome you need to get Brig out there again. Thankful for all the work Pres, and VP put into making the trip a success. It was good to catch up with Jerome, Bryce and chill a little more with Matt, and Bronz.
What a trip! If somebody stumbled upon this blog I can't think of a better way to help them understand what we're all about then to have them see these last two posts. They would probably say something like, "Wow, those guys are livin' the dream." Good work President Hadley, can't wait til the next trip.