We here at SLAM Outdoors would like to extend a formal invitation to Benny Spies to come visit us out west for a little Lake Powell Striper fishing trip. Maybe the show would agree to do a west coast swing or something and this could possibly be one of your stops. We have access to a Private Houseboat on Antelope Point Marina and a sturdy fishing boat. We would love to have you sometime Benny!!
This is why I think Benny appeals to us so much... From his website he says: "To me, it's not about the high dollar game hunt of having the best gear money can buy. It's about enjoying one of America's greatest heritages, having fun with friends, family, & the people I meet. It's about going out & doing things the way I was taught; gettin' dirty, pullin' the trigger & havin' fun. I don't claim to be an expert outdoorsman & I definitely don't offer the latest, greatest techniques to shooting the biggest bucks or bagging limits. But, I will promise to give you an honest, genuine,exciting & entertaining look into the outdoors. I'm a guy who loves to hunt, fish & drink a few root beers with my friends, family & the random people I meet throughout the small towns I travel. So, let's have some fun!"
Now here are a few pics of Beautiful Lake Powell and some of our pictures of recent success there.

Also, you have inspired us to look for a Toaster of our own to make as our hunting vehicle. This video is Hilarious!
I love this post! Benny, if you see this, you will have the time of your life out at Lake Powell! This would be an adventure you wouldn't want to miss for sure! I have enjoyed keeping up with the SLAM outdoors blog and look forward to seeing more great posts of your adventures in the outdoors. Keep up the good work!