WOW, where do I start?? What a weekend! SLAM Outdoors was out in full force this weekend doing a number of activities. Here's a quick rundown:
Thursday Night: Nick, Noah and I headed up to the Ence's in search of that elusive Buck. We only saw a few does here and there but I heard the "snorter" again. I'm gonna get him some night this week!
Friday Morning: Nick and I (and Doug) headed to Sand Hollow for a little fishing.

That afternoon, we loaded up the bikes so we could head to Pine Valley hunting again. Aint this a beautiful sight?...

Friday Night we headed up to Pine Valley to hunt. Matt and the boys met us up there and that's when all the action happened! First, Nick and I took the 4 wheeler up the trail almost to communication point

Friday Night: Our fun was just beginning... we met Mike back at the cabin and had some grub and watched the tele. And that's when we realized things just how great of a weekend it was and was going to be. We thought we were not going to get to see Gun it with Benny Spies. Once we finally found the VS. channel, The satelite schedule said that it was supposed to be Whitetail Revolution. Just as I was changing the channel, the 1st episode of the new season came on and we were all right there to witness it!!

Saturday morning: We headed out (a little late) but saw a spike right off the bat by the cabin and for some reason we talked ourselves out of shooting it. Then we drove up the road and saw a few does crossing and there was a nice 3x4 with them. Matt jumped out and actually got a shot off (and a few others) at him. That would be pretty much the extent of the deer action of the morning. So.... we took a quick pic

So, we went home, made

It was awesome to do a little dove hunting and now I think we're all hooked. Since I have been home, I have missed 3 or 4 in the back yard but feeling a little more confident since Mike dropped off the Benjamin last night. I will keep you posted.
Friday Evening: Matt and I headed out to Bloomington for and Elders Quorum shooting activity and we were a little nervous going in because you never know who you are going to get out to those.... ya know? We kept it conservative though and only took about 6 guns between us... we wouldn't wanna scare anybody off....(see post from the Mark J. Hadley Memorial Loa trip 2010).
But it was a good night and we shot a lot. Some guy had spinner targets, plates, knock down plates and all kinds of stuff and it was awesome!

And finally, that night, me, Nick and Mike got together to watch BYU vs. Texas that Nick had tivoed. (sorry, no picture) What a way to top of the night. Nick also made me a meal.... something I had been lacking all day. Also, before I went to Nick's, I decided to take a shower. It was at that point that I had to take off my SLAM Outdoors t-shirt and I have to admit, it was a little sad even though it smelled like B.O.
But, WHAT A WEEKEND!! I think we got it all in and it was awesome!! Thanks to all who participated and made an effort to attend these important events. And thanks to our wives for turning us loose and watching the kids all weekend long.
Quote of the trip from Benny Spies

In closing, I would just remind you all that we still have some important events coming up in the near future
1. Nick and I are going to try and make a run to Lake Powell next week if the report is any better for all who want to make it out with us. It would be wed night and thursday day.
2. The annual Mark J. Hadley Memorial Loa trip and Youth Coyote hunt has been scheduled and is in it's early stages of planning. It is going to be the 2nd weekend of November. I have taken the days off already. We will be turning in our application and booking our rooms at the Aquarius soon.
I would also just like to remind all of you to remember to label your posts for easy access later. I would also like to see someone try to get a calendar on the side of the blog where we can post our events. Maybe take the place of the powellapalooza count down or something. Also, I am having Abe make us some new shirts for people similar to the spring trip shirt but with only the SLAM logo. Give me a head count if you know of people who want them and also anybody you would like to be notified each time we make a post...
Well, that's all folks...........
This makes me tired
ReplyDeleteDo I get a box of ding dongs or something?
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of meal did nick create? He makes killer quesadillas
ReplyDeleteI made chicken and potatoes