Nick took a little horseback camping trip up to the top of Pine Valley Mt.
Mike got a little fly fishing in on a nice Saturday near Park City.
Well Done Mike
I have been putting in for this Limited Entry Pronghorn for about 7 years. The DWR called and told me somebody surrendered their tag and that I was next on the list and it was mine if I wanted it. So I took it and am glad that I did. My Wife's Uncle, Brad Cottam grew up running cattle out there and knew the area like the back of his hand. He had been scouting a nice buck coming to a water hole at 10:30 Every morning so we wanted to get on him. We saw a few shooter bucks here and there but wanted to wait till 10:30. Well, he didn't show so we moved on. I spotted this lone buck a couple hundred yards off the road. We slowly backed out and tried to get behind him and close in on foot. Not the biggest goat out there but I was able to take him while mike and nick were there with me. Had him on the ground by about 11:30 opening morning. It was an awesome day and the Jerky is awesome too.. There is a video of the hunt coming soon!!!
Then, I had a muzzeloader deer tag.
Even though we like to get out and hunt, we still make sure we take time for the important things like our faith. There are actually 4 SLAM members present at this Sacrament Meeting. If you look closely, three of the four can be seen in this same pic.
I moved my burris scope to my .270 for the Antelope hunt so wanted to get my flip-up sights shooting strait on the AR and shoot the Nylon .22 a little so I got out shooting by myself for a bit and had a great time now that the weather is cooler. And, I shot pretty well.
Shot the middle out of a pigeon at 100 yds with an old 30-30 open sightsNow our sights turn to our annual LOA Trip. There has been much anticipation for this years trip and it figures to be one for the books. It's comin' up quick! Stay tuned....