Doing The Best We Can With What We Have
Mission Statement
With the expanded use of social media today, it is easy to look at others' lives and wish you were them. There are a handful of fortunate individuals who get to hunt and fish for a living. There are others who's circumstances allow them to spend more time in the outdoors than most. The truth is.. the majority of us are average people. Average men and women who do the best we can with what we have. For us, every hunt is public land. Every hunt is DIY. We will most likely never own a Yeti, our Igloos will have to do. Never look down range through the lens of a Swarovski or wear anything adorned with the Sitka logo. We will never have a hunting magazine, never be the stars of our own hunting show, become prostaff members, or receive free gear. We have a limited number of days off each year, and limited funds to spend. This does not however crush our spirit or curb our enthusiasm for the great outdoors. We will take every opportunity we get to enjoy the Streams, Lakes and Mountains.
We do not criticize those more fortunate than us. Our hope is to appeal to hunters just like us. Those with limited time, limited assets, limited resources, marginal gear, yet, 100% passion.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Monday: Matt and I headed to communication hill. Saw a couple small bucks. Only had one 4 wheeler but made it out and back. Tried to put a stalk on a small buck but was too noisy and too impatient.
Thursday: Colby and I headed back up on top. I got the other bike fixed so we had 2 that night. Colby saw and shot at a nice 4x but missed. I drew on a small 2 point just after dark and couldn't see my pins. I was able to put a stalk on a group of 3 deer. Had the buck well within range but too dark to see my pins so I let my arrow down to try and get closer and he took off
Friday: Nick started out the day with a quick morning trip to Sand Hollow. They brought over 30 fish to the boat, the biggest being a 4 pounder!! Then, in the afternoon, He and I, Matt and Mike headed up to Nick Ence's property to hunt deer. we stopped in Veyo on the way of course for the $1.50 hot dog and drink special. We unloaded the bikes at the cabin and headed to a nice water hole. I sat there and had a doe and a fawn come down to drink and they didnt even have a clue I was under 30 yds away!! Thought a buck was coming next but 2 longhorn steers came to drink and scared them off. Matt saw over 20 deer in the cedars but could never get a shot off. We stopped in veyo on the way home to gas up and threw mike vick around at the pumps a while.

Nothing heard this jolly fellow trompin' around with his new foot thingy's.
Saturday: Me, Matt, Mike and Bronzen headed back up to the cabin. I sat near the Pasture hoping for some deer to waltz in but it never happened. Just after dark, I headed out to the flats and was walking through the trees when I had a fawn just about run me over. Bronzen had spooked it and it didn't know I was there. I saw it and a doe and that was it. Matt saw a couple but no shots. He did though, have a coyote growling at him 5 feet away and took a shot at him but missed high. Mike saw a couple coyotes as well. One was bout 15 feet away and didn't know he was there. No mike vick throwing tonight.
So far, the hunting has been pretty frustrating. We have been in good spots, seen deer but haven't gotten everything to come together yet.
Reminder: We do have the last Lake Powell fishing trip planned for the 8-10 of September. See you all there!!
ALSO: Be looking for a SLAM OUTDOORS Facebook page coming soon!!
Quinn Hadley
President, SLAM Outdoors