So... Slam Outdoors suffered our first mis-hap of the season and we weren't even out at the lake. Which reminds me, unfortunately, we have had some bad moments from time to time like the Tahoe breaking down outside Loa and the whole ordeal with Brian's Auto, Doug quitting (twice) out at Powell, the flat on the boat trailer, loosing the fish finder transducer, the boat quitting out at Quail on the windiest day of the year and those people running into the dock; and all of this doesn't even include the many brand new Ugly Stiks I broke in half and are now at the bottom of the lake along with the reel or the many lures hanging in branches of trees around the lake. And let's not forget our last (expletive laced) coyote trip when I got the truck stuck and lost my Blackberry in the snow. Also, just tonight, I noticed that when i took my reel off to take it to sportsman's to be re-spooled, I must have dropped the gear under it that holds it up and now it is useless.
Now back to last weeks episode. We were working on Doug and practicing with Nick's bait caster when he leaned his rod and reel against the truck when i wasn't looking. When I went to move the truck, (being careful not to back the trailer into the gate AGAIN....) it fell down, and I ran over it, smashing the reel into pieces and breaking the rod in half.

The next thing I knew, Nick was in his truck and going to leave without saying goodbye. So... what did I do?? I sprung into action and saw an opportunity to turn our misfortune into something positive. So without further adieu, heer is what came of our misfortune:

The "Fly Rod"
So what can we learn from this little exercise?? S*#@t is gonna happen to us (and by us I mean Me) this year like it always does but it's how we react to it that is important.